Talking John Dog & Soundboard icon

Talking John Dog & Soundboard

John the funny Talking Dog with many games

Version: 17.0

Program available in: English

Program license: Free

Program by: Kaufcom Games Apps Widgets


Talking John Dog & Soundboard is an Android app developed by Kaufcom Games Apps Widgets (Kaufcom GmbHRuchstuckstr. 21CH-8306 Brüttisellen). Others apps created by Kaufcom Games Apps Widgets are: Baby Fun Park Baby Games 3D, My Baby Babsy - Playground Fun, Fart Sound Board, Talking Donald Donkey, Warp My Face: Fun Photo Editor.

Talking John Dog & Soundboard first became available on 28 Jan 2011. It is estimated that Talking John Dog & Soundboard has been downloaded between 10000000 and 50000000 times from the Play Store.


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